VS Sury

Jestus on Rampage


You might have seen eccentric professors. But our man is The Impossible Professor. Bagdenborg is gentle, mild-mannered and steeped in unfathomable humour. You have to invent a new word to describe his sense of humour. With that, he enters the NG University on horseback and straightaway commences on one unbelievable act after another, gathering enthusiastic student-followers around him, and a befuddled-and-enraged college faculty across him, throwing the smooth working machinery of the college out of gear. Unable to bear the impossible professor, the university finally throws him out. The professor goes out as he came in riding his horse in a grand style. Then, in another town, the Society of Rationalists vow to destroy our man, whose special ‘fentological’ way of life seems to threaten all rational ways of thinking. The Society sends four expert agents to silence the gentle professor, but, alas, the tough, no-nonsense agents fail miserably. JESTUS ON RAMPAGE is a superbly amusing read that can leave you rolling on the ground with uncontrollable laughter. But be warned too. Everything that happens through and around Professor Bagdenborg appears to be unreal, virtual, illusory, bewildering. But yet, the happenings have a great ring of fondly appealing reality!

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SKU: ISBN 978-93-83868-15-5 Category:


JESTUS ON RAMPAGE is a story of an eccentric professor, Bagdenborg, who lives on his own terms. He is gentle and mild-mannered but whose ‘fentological’ way of life seems to threaten all rational ways of thinking. The book is a superbly amusing read, steeped in unconventional humour blurring the boundaries between illusion and reality.

VS Sury is the author of Jestus on Rampage. He graduated as an electrical engineer in 1967. A bachelor by choice, now running on 71, he has retired from service, and now lives in Mysore, India.

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Book Authors

VS Sury




B-Format (129 mm x 198 mm)

Indian Price (INR)


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Pub Date

October 15