Steven Earnshaw

Memory Clinic


A shadow government sets sail to discover the whale of Penlan Tork. Clara is desperate to capture all life in her version of Ada Lovelace s Analytic Engine. The ugliest man in a cave must rescue captives from the Emperor’s mind. Time and again we see the twentieth century through the waspish eyes of Johannes Boanerge’s adoring biographer: modernism, 1968, the house guillotine, Anatolian goats, genocide. A couple enjoys (then regret) kidnapping their gas man. The beauty of an office scar. Prim-passionate Charlotte exchanges letters with an infatuated Franz. Americans in a Portuguese pool make up some rules with Europe on the brink. The view from a ladder when ivy threatens our street . . . all this, then some more, can be enjoyed in Steven Earnshaw’s debut short story collection, MEMORY CLINIC.

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SKU: ISBN 978-93-83868-19-3 Category:


As Ranylt Richildis comments, MEMORY CLINIC showcases “a sense of multiple symbolic depths”. The collection of short fiction captures myriad aspects of the twentieth century from various perspectives.

Steven Earnshaw’s fiction has previously appeared in THE WARWICK REVIEW, THE WRONG QUARTERLY, LACKINGTON’S MAGAZINE and TEARS IN THE FENCE. Other publications include THE PUB IN LITERATURE, EXISTENTIALISM: A GUIDE FOR THE PERPLEXED, BEGINNING REALISM, THE DIRECTION OF LITERARY THEORY, and THE HANDBOOK OF CREATIVE WRITING (editor). He is Professor of English Literature at Sheffield Hallam University, is currently researching a book entitled THE EXISTENTIAL DRINKER, and lives in Sheffield.

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Available Format


Book Authors

Steven Earnshaw




Demy Octavo (135 mm x 216 mm)

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Pub Date

April 2016